Mopidy Pummeluff – A music box for kids

Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python. It provides a lot of different music sources, such as Spotify, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, and more. It’s a perfect open-source solution and alternative for SONOS, running on a Raspberry Pi. It’s nearly perfect for kids, and the only thing missing is a kids-compatible interface. That’s […]

Python namespaces

Introduction Python (at least IMO) is a very nice programming language, based on really powerful fundamentals. In this post, I don’t want to compare Python to other programming languages or value it. However, when it comes to the fundamentals of a programming language, Python has some interesting constructs which can differ from other languages. Namespaces […]

How Git’s reflog can save your ass

I think we all know, and hopefully love Git. Git is very powerful and even so, a lot of people (including myself) haven’t experienced the full power of Git. I for myself haven’t used reflog or even heard about it for a long time. However, reflogs can probably become really important.

Accessing a model’s verbose names in Django templates

I love building web applications with Django and I love its ORM. Defining models is fairly simple and rendering forms and list is (more or less) straight forward. However, if you want to access the properties of the model’s fields in templates, then you might find a dead end really fast. This is especially hard […]

Sublime Text or Atom?

Hello, my name’s Domi and I’m a extensive Sublime Text abuser. I’m also on Twitter and I saw the uprising of GitHub’s Atom lately, so I decided to give it a chance. This is my story about switching from Sublime Text to Atom for a couple of days.

Django 1.8+ and MySQL / MariaDB full-text search

If you want to use MySQL’s or MariaDB’s full-text search feature with Django then you might have a problem, because Django doesn’t support MySQL’s full-text search out of the box. You can either do that by performing raw SQL queries or you extend the model’s SearchManager.

Django 1.9 released

Last week was the release of Django version 1.9. It’s a very popular and open source web framework that is written in Python. Django is widely spread in the internet and big platforms like Instagram, Reddit or Pinterest are using the framework. Ansible Tower is also based on the python web framework.

SublimeText: The editor you fall in love with

SublimeText is a text editor, though it’s far beyond a normal text editor. The developers describe it as: Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You’ll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance. There you go, that’s what it is and I’m sure you agree to the extraordinary features […]

Aliases for git

Even if you’re not a developer, when you’re working with open-source projects, you come in contact with git all the time. Git is our preferred SCM solution and we use it extensively in our open-source and internal projects.

Alternative Django admin interfaces

Are you using Django (the web framework) and you’re afraid of the default Django admin interface? Then there are a bunch of alternatives out there. If you don’t use it, but you’re looking for a great web framework, you should have a look at the “Getting started with Django” tutorial. Django has a built in admin […]