Even if you’re not a developer, when you’re working with open-source projects, you come in contact with git all the time. Git is our preferred SCM solution and we use it extensively in our open-source and internal projects.
tmux: A terminal multiplexer for daily use
A terminal multiplexer is a software designed to multiplex multiple virtual terminal sessions inside a single terminal window. Wikipedia describes it pretty accurate: A terminal multiplexer is a software application that can be used to multiplex several virtual consoles, allowing a user to access multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single terminal window or remote terminal […]
zsh tips: File picking
When you’re working on your shell, you immediately get in contact with files, directories and therefor paths. Most of the time there are simple paths, but sometimes it gets exciting and you need to defined multiple files. Instead of defining them manually on the shell, you can work with placeholders in form of asterisks.
zsh tips: Changing directories
We all know how to change directories via cd , but zsh has some really neat features implemented to support us in changing directories the smart way.
zsh tips: Auto completion & correction
When it comes to the amount of work to achieve a desired result, I’m kind of a lazy person. I like my workflows to be optimised, and I’m a fan of keyboard shortcuts. Everything in my shell (zsh, tmux), editor (vim, SublimeText) and operating system (Linux, OS X) needs to be keyboard optimised for fast access.
zsh: A shell on steroids
I’m a good old fashioned Linux guy, moving towards my 30 years. When you start working with Linux, you come in contact with a terminal sooner or later, and therefor a shell. Most Linux distribution used bash as the default shell, and most of them still use it today.
Speeding up OpenSSH sessions with multiplexing
When you’re about to establish an SSH connection to a new host, it usually takes a few seconds before the session is loaded. If you open multiple SSH sessions to the same host, the overhead starts to sum up and you’re waiting for the connection. This might not be a big issue for normal/manual use, […]