I think we all know, and hopefully love Git. Git is very powerful and even so, a lot of people (including myself) haven’t experienced the full power of Git. I for myself haven’t used reflog or even heard about it for a long time. However, reflogs can probably become really important.
Sublime Text or Atom?
Hello, my name’s Domi and I’m a extensive Sublime Text abuser. I’m also on Twitter and I saw the uprising of GitHub’s Atom lately, so I decided to give it a chance. This is my story about switching from Sublime Text to Atom for a couple of days.
Ansible Training
As the official Ansible partner in Switzerland, we’re happy to announce our Ansible Training.
Aliases for git
Even if you’re not a developer, when you’re working with open-source projects, you come in contact with git all the time. Git is our preferred SCM solution and we use it extensively in our open-source and internal projects.