We all know Docker, right? Running processes in Docker containers is nice and we can easily stop, start or restart the container with simple commands. However, you probably don’t want to “fully restart” a container all the time so sending signals to a Docker container becomes important.
Backup a MySQL or MariaDB Docker container
When it comes to databases running in Docker containers then a consistent backup of the data with classic backup methods becomes a bit tricky. So you’ve to use a quite different approach to backup a MySQL or MariaDB Docker container.
Docker Reverse Proxy
When it comes to (simple) web applications, then most of the time Docker is a perfect fit. However, as you begin to migrate your applications into Docker containers, you might ask yourself how to forward all the requests to the different containers. A Docker Reverse Proxy can help!
Docker Pull Deprecation for v1.5 clients
A while ago, Docker announced that Docker pull requests from version 1.5 and earlier clients will no longer function as of December 15. While push requests have been disabled since Nov 19, pull requests were disabled for the Docker Hub today as well.
Docker & Ansible on RHEL / CentOS 7
We use Ansible to deploy Docker containers on our systems and the infrastructures of our customers. This works pretty well if your system is configured properly.